When Pandemonia turns up at art openings and fashion shows it’s like Roy Lichtenstein’s blonde caricatures have been brought to life as a 7ft Jeff Koons inflatable… Full interview on Vice Style. VICE: Hey, How’s it all going? What you wearing right now? Pandemonia: Hey. I’ve just flown back from Athens where I was hanging […]
Category Archives: Articles
Articles about Pandemonia
Origional articel published Nouse. June 22, 2011 Text: Paris Bennett. Fashion Editor of Nouse Phototography: Jenny Van Sommers Pandemonia has the wow factor. Or perhaps Pandemonia is the wow factor. The phenomenon of performance art, has been formulated under the name Pandemonia, into a larger-than-life cartoon character, with the intention of provoking a reaction, whilst […]
PANDEMONIA: London based fine artist in Athens Photos: Georgiadou Christina. Text: Soul Magazine One of the most provocative figures of contemporary art has visited Greece for the exhibition’s ARRRGH! Monsters in Fashion opening at the Benaki Museum. In the streets of Athens, Pandemonia has created a project especially for SOUL. Pandemonia: a tall, plastic, ironic […]
Issue one of Richard Mortimers Hotly anticipated biannual fashion Magazine Ponystep. Pandemonia features in a four page article. LADY IN (MARLBORO) RED Photography Jenny Van Sommers Text by Hynam Kendal Exerts from magazine The walking, talking, squeaking work of Art. YOU’LL RECGONISE PANDEMONIA, the colourful creature and Fashion Week mainstay who, at seven foot, towers […]
Larger Than Life An Interview With Pandemonia April 5th 2011 A permanent fixture on the front row, Pandemonia is top of the list for fashion invitations and high profile industry events. Glamourous and ageless, her unique style, infamous inflated locks, and colourful personality have sky rocketed her to fashion fame, and lead to countless appearances […]
1626 magazine in China.1626 magazine is the top fashion and youth life style magazine in south China,our Circulation is about 340,000 per two-week. My Dream is… Pandemonia 有人說Pandemonia是嘲諷現今生活的活雕塑,又有人說她是近日在公共時間頻頻出現的神秘人物。 事實上她是一個七尺高有著盛會上顯著特徵的人體藝術品。 更神奇的是這個“活雕塑”的背後,其實是一個男人身! 他這身多變的造型全是他一手打造。塑料時裝,塑膠充氣頭罩,都讓人驚艷!他經常出現在各大電影節,時尚場合,頒獎典禮。 與明星拍照合影,他的出境照片沾滿雜誌封面,報刊頭版頭條!他是英國現今最牛的“行爲藝術家”! Pandemonia (Translation) Some people say that she is a mockery of modern life. Pandemonia is a mystery, the living sculpture, that has frequently appeared […]
Living the story of a comic book Cindy Kerberova from Czech national paper, Ona Dnes, interviews Pandemonia. “I am a product. My product is an idea, you either buy into the concept or not. I see myself as a story and news media needs stories. The best way to get into mass media, is to […]
Logan chan from Part Time Magazine says… Photos Linda Cooper For non Chinese readers English translation 不知道是何時,大約是從去年開始的倫敦時裝週開始-再開幕派對,時尚展覽或是伸展台前的第一排出現了這樣一名嬌客;她七尺高(約213公分),最常以金髮或一頭隨風飄逸的大波浪紅髮的形象出現在鎂光燈下。她從頭到腳趾都覆蓋著一層乳膠質材的外皮-比陶比麥虧格的蜘蛛人裝扮更勝一籌。她會走路,會思考,會說話, 她彷彿是來自英國維多利亞時代的陶瓷娃娃被神仙教母施了魔法變成真人,卻在變形的過程有所保留停頓了下來,最後變成一則啓示性的現代神話人物。 她,就是Pandemonia. 挑戰被盛會擠壓到極限的女性曲線 Pandemonia事實上是一名[每日郵報]和[獨立報]的約聘記者;同時她也是一名後現代的藝術家,時尚部落客,並在網路上擁有無數支持者。她挑戰了我們對於女性美的認知與極限-尤其在一個崇尚纖瘦再纖瘦的時裝界,pandemoniac就像是幾近厭食症的那些模特們一切理想化的化身;同時也是一塊血淋淋的反諷警語。我們究竟希望理想女性是甚麼樣子?這個世界是否對女人要求過高。直至他們變成荒謬的,全無內在僅剩人造外表的(譬如各種整形手術),卡在卡通人物與充氣娃娃間進退維谷的形象?對於為何塑造如此外型,Pandemonia承認童話世界給與她很多靈感:[童話是一切神話及故事的原形,也是一種社會的縮影。後母,醜姊姊,純潔的童真少女…..其實童話也可以視為當代社會的寓言。在她的觀點裡,外界的放大鏡將女性曲線苛刻的地簡化成為光滑地曲線。[我是一名可充氣式地美女,擁有現代社會要求地一切女性特質:高挑,性感,瘦如皮包骨。] 藝術雜誌介紹她,時尚雜誌報到她。她出現在公眾場合和大眾互動,在網路上吸引無數點閱,但同時,沒有人知道她真實地身份為何,甚至沒有人知道她地真實性別。 Pandemonia代表在和一種對時下文化被所謂[上流名人]或[明星影像]充斥地反諷;她地塑膠外皮是一種偽裝,是pandemonia以對媚俗地大眾文化與商業營利主義橫行表達控訴地工具。[有趣地是,每個人看見我都有他們自成一格地解釋(並對自己深信不疑)]Pandemonia說。[但事實上他們彼此都一件卻大相徑庭。匿名是一件很有趣地事;我認為我們都活在面具和身份認同之下,我只不過是一種變形地理想化身。我也有可能是任何人。]Pandemonia抨擊名人文化;她作為一個名人存在,是活在真實世界地卡通人物,大眾想要了解她,認識,進入她地故事。但另一方面,pandemoniac又像是一具空殻,是[匿名性]地實體戲仿;我們接受了她傳達地訊息-卻又對她一無所知。她同時真實卻也是虛擬地。她就像一面空白帆布任由我們詮釋。[我認為我是名氣與匿名地矛盾綜合體。(Paradox of fame and anonymity) 從童話世界逃出來地神奇角色 不管是引起旁人側目,或是網友寫在她網誌上面地評論:[和Lady Gaga是同一個星球來地,]無論如何,Pandemonia卻實引發了一股討論;但她和她地寵物[Snowy]還是照常出席時尚場合,上街做頭髮,逛街,她擁有一種惡質地幽默感:[我保持身材地祕訣就是洗桑那浴。]她這樣回答記者。 她覺得自己最性感地地方是她[充滿彈性光澤地肌膚];如果問到她地終極野心是甚麼, 她會回答:[希望我變成家喻戶曉並且應得透納獎,在藝術節造成一股旋風。然後我要在英國牛津街上舉大超巨大地漂浮藝術展來建造商業主義地神殿。]她如是說。 她抵制大眾文化K酱蟊娢幕K且环N品牌,自我形象和生活方式。她是一則活生生地現在寓言,她,就是pandemonia。
“Who is Pandemonia ?!?” Internationally renowned Art, Fashion and Culture magazine, iD writes up Pandemonia. To see what Sarah Raphael from iD online wrote about Pandemonia. Click iD online November 23, 2010 Who is Pandemonia?!? Postmodern; Post-Pop; Pandemonia is a living and breathing artist’s impression of the female form. Pandemonia is a very tall, very […]
Pandemonia rocks Portobello! 04 November 2010 Story by Marijhaa Andre, photos by Lin Vitali Pandemonia at the Children of Vision hairdressers Retox Magazine and many onlookers in Portobello had a spoonful of entertainment as Pandemonia, along with her dog Snowy, rocked up to the Children of Vision hair salon to get her vanity fix. Pandemonia […]